

!Going Deeper

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About Us
Our Agency Distinction: What's Your CAQ?
The team at Playground PR works with our clients to establish sustainable relationships early, and in many cases is called upon to help new clients reverse negative perceptions and build positive cooperative relationships with target segment communities.

With expertise in corporate/consumer communications, publicity, public affairs, community relations, influencer engagement and much more each of our counselors ascended to the highest ranks in PR, marketing and advertising before making the leap into entrepreneurship. 

Playground PR’s three CAQ™ indicators are based on understanding an organization’s stakeholders’ exposure, perception, and willingness to advocate for a brand.
Elevating, or in some cases establishing CAQs start with assessing an organization’s positioning then developing a campaign to increase its’ favorable standing with specific audience segments.


Community Awareness Quotient – (Stakeholders’ exposure to a brand)

What stakeholders know about a brand

Community Activity Quotient – (Stakeholders’ perception of a brand)

What stakeholders think of a brand’s commitment to their interests and its investment in their community

Community Allegiance Quotient – (Stakeholders’ willingness to advocate for a brand)

How stakeholders feel about a brand and their loyalty to it
Our Approach
All Playground PR campaigns start with research and incorporate both public relations best practices and sociological learnings of the target audience into all program activities. All campaigns are predicated on understanding segment audiences and the important role community plays in their lives.

​Our proprietary CAQ™ approach supports our clients’ efforts to build, track, and sustain strong relationships with their key stakeholders by creating authentic programs of engagement.

Playground has developed campaigns addressing healthcare disparities, managing education issues, brokering strategic partnerships, launching consumer brands and developing environmental programs.

Playground PR offers its clients unique opportunities to engage communities both proactively and reactively.
Playground has developed campaigns addressing healthcare disparities, managing education issues, brokering strategic partnerships, launching consumer brands and developing environmental programs.

Playground PR offers its clients unique opportunities to engage communities both proactively and reactively.